47 – What Can Animals Taste?

by jillm

Taste is an essential sense that helps humans and animals alike determine what is safe and nutritious to eat. While we often take our sense of taste for granted, animals experience taste in ways that are quite different from ours. Whether it’s a cat’s inability to taste sweetness or a catfish’s extraordinary number of taste buds, the variety of taste perceptions in the animal kingdom is fascinating. Understanding these differences can help us appreciate the evolutionary adaptations that shape how animals interact with their environment.

How Taste Works in Animals and Humans

In humans, taste is primarily detected through approximately 9,000 taste buds, which help us distinguish between sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and umami flavors. These taste buds serve an evolutionary purpose: they help us identify nutrient-rich foods and avoid harmful substances. In contrast, animals have evolved taste abilities that cater specifically to their dietary needs and survival mechanisms.

While mammals and vertebrates share a basic taste structure, including taste buds on their tongues, the number of taste buds and their sensitivity varies greatly. Some animals, like cows, have an astounding 25,000 taste buds, while chickens have as few as 50.

Cats: Carnivores with a Limited Palate

Domestic cats have about 500 taste buds, which is significantly lower than humans. Interestingly, cats lack the ability to taste sweetness. This is because their carnivorous diet does not require sugars. Instead, their taste system is geared towards detecting bitterness, which helps them avoid spoiled meat. Their low taste bud count means they rely more on their sense of smell to evaluate food.

Dogs: Versatile Eaters with Enhanced Taste Sensitivity

Dogs, with around 1,500 taste buds, have a relatively diverse palate. Despite having fewer taste buds than humans, they can taste a wide range of flavors. Historically, dogs scavenged for food, meaning they had to quickly determine whether something was safe to eat or not. Dogs also have an affinity for sweetness, likely due to their omnivorous nature.

Bears and Their Love for Sweets

Unlike cats, bears have retained their ability to taste sweetness because their diet includes berries, honey, and other high-sugar foods. Observing bear scat often reveals evidence of their berry-filled diet, highlighting their reliance on sweet flavors to find nutrient-dense food sources.

The Taste Bud Champions: Catfish

Catfish are unique among animals, boasting a staggering 175,000 taste buds. These taste receptors are not just limited to their mouths but cover their whiskers and even their skin. As bottom feeders, catfish rely heavily on taste to detect food in murky waters where visibility is low. Their ability to taste their environment helps them locate food sources over long distances.

Pigs and Cows: Highly Sensitive Tasters

Pigs, with 15,000 taste buds, and cows, with 25,000, have highly developed taste senses that allow them to detect various flavors. Their plant-based diets require a keen sense of taste to differentiate between nutritious and potentially harmful foods.

Chickens: Minimal Taste Needs

In contrast to mammals, chickens have only 50 taste buds, reflecting their limited dietary needs. Since their diet consists mostly of seeds and plant material, their taste perception is less developed compared to other animals. Chickens rely more on texture and visual cues to identify food.

Birds and the Mystery of Capsaicin

Most birds have fewer taste buds compared to mammals, but they have a unique advantage: they are immune to the heat of capsaicin, the chemical that gives chili peppers their spiciness. This adaptation allows birds to consume spicy fruits and aid in seed dispersal without experiencing discomfort.

Marine Animals and Salt Sensitivity

Marine animals, such as fish, often have a reduced ability to taste salt, as they are constantly surrounded by it in their environment. Instead, they have adapted to detect other flavors that help them identify food sources. For instance, some fish have taste receptors on their barbels, which help them explore their surroundings and locate food particles in the water.

Insects and Their Unique Taste Adaptations

Insects do not have taste buds in the traditional sense. Instead, they rely on specialized chemical receptors known as gustatory sensilla, which are located on their legs, wings, and antennae. These receptors allow insects to detect different tastes such as bitterness, sweetness, and saltiness through contact with their environment.

Key Takeaways for Modern Understanding

The differences in taste perception among animals are closely tied to their evolutionary needs and dietary habits. For example:

  • Carnivores, such as cats, prioritize detecting bitterness to avoid spoiled meat.
  • Omnivores, like bears and dogs, enjoy sweet flavors to identify high-calorie foods.
  • Herbivores, such as cows and pigs, have a broad range of taste buds to differentiate between plants.
  • Aquatic animals, such as catfish, have specialized taste adaptations to locate food in water.

Applying Animal Taste Knowledge to Daily Life

Understanding how animals taste can help pet owners provide better diets for their pets. For instance, since cats cannot taste sweetness, offering sugary treats is unnecessary and potentially harmful. Additionally, knowing that dogs have a well-rounded taste perception can guide healthier feeding habits.

This knowledge also has applications in animal training, conservation efforts, and even designing animal feed that caters to their specific taste preferences.


The study of taste in animals reveals a fascinating diversity of adaptations that align with their survival needs and dietary habits. Whether it’s a cat’s focus on meat, a hummingbird’s craving for nectar, or a catfish’s extraordinary sensitivity to taste, the animal kingdom offers a wide array of taste experiences. Understanding these differences allows us to better appreciate and care for the animals in our lives.

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